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What is Chess?

Updated: Oct 16, 2023


Chess has kinda taken the school by surprise. One day kids started playing chess, playing chess on the computer, and even a club started. If you don't know how to play that's too bad, but learning is what this is about so here is how to play.

The goal of the game is to checkmate the other king by using your pieces correctly. 1, the pawn is the heart of the game, it starts in the 2nd row. While on the 2nd row it can jump 1 or 2 spaces, they can take pieces by moving 1 square in diagonal directions. The knight can move in a L shape; they can move 1 space then change directions and move 3 spaces. The knight can also jump over one piece, this still counts as a space. The bishop can move any amount of spaces on diagonals, both bishops have to stay on their color. The rook or castle moves like a bishop but in straight lines and is one of the most valuable pieces. The queen is the strongest piece, it can move like any piece not including the knight. The king can move 1 square in any direction. If a piece is threatening the king the king is in check, you HAVE to get the king out of check by blocking, running, or taking the threatening piece. If you cannot do any of these this is checkmate and you lose.


Openings in chess are usually the first 5 to 15 moves, and they all have been studied a lot. For white pieces, it is just called an opening, but it is called a gambit if the opening involves sacrificing a piece. A good opening is the fool’s mate, here you use 2 pieces to threaten the least defended piece and could be used to checkmate.

"Chess" by Gackson Rollock

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