Note to john: Where is the thumbnail?
Hello i'm james morgon, the owner of monolith tech. I am here today to talk about the fact that in our company we don’t even know what “HR” means.
Children work in the factory, all children, no matter what. We don’t feed them, at all, whatsoever, or give them water. They will work in factories until they die of starvation, disses, thirst, or they just drow in there own excrement. We also have jobs for men, all men. Every single male / male Identifying person will work, live and exist only in the factories. And if they dont, we will find them. We have advanced male - detecting software installed in every singal tank we own. Also we own every single tank in the universe. We are extupendiasly rich. Thats not even a word but we can pay to have it added to the dictionary. We are so rich that we had the last american voice this, we sent the rest to venus. Also we fill the factory with rats, cockroaches, bugs, realy anything nasty we can find. Remember how I said that the children would be drowning in excrement? Ya thats form the rats and that one small possum in the corner. Also there is no age requirement. You could be 80, but you could also be a feetus, we don’t care. Additionally, we give free abortions! Remember: sense there are no men left in the world women will have no means of breeding, so we will let one man out in the world every week, just as a social experiment. And then he will be 360 noscoped with a trebuchet launching a PC with a Geforce RTX 4090 and an intel I9 13th gen the same day the next guy is released. A true way to die. We will also be replacing all water on earth with copious amounts of platapus milk, and all attempts at trying to turn milk into water will result in the imedeat ban from life using NUKE.exe. Yes we will bomb you. Also if you are a scientist, or realy anything that has a remote possibility of saving the world, then we will capture you, put you in a guillotine. But the guillotine will drop at aporxamatly one centimeter an hour, giving the wonderful, slow painfull death. It will also be made of uranium, both the guillotine and the room you are in. we will also be hosting a squidgame like show where ten people are given a sickness that will kill them in one houre. They then have to fight to the death and the last person standing will be given a syringe of liquid C4, but they think its the cure, but after the C4 has reached there brain we explode it. Also the entire time it will be broadcast to every other man and baby. Or future candidates of the show. By the way this effects people that arent working for us. If you are male you will work in the factories. And if you are a child, want candy? And lastly if you are a woman we will have your child. If you don’t have a child then we will make you have a child, then we will take that child and harvest his soal. Only the children born for the purpose of being born. Nobody else. We will also then take the harvested souls and turn them into soul smoothie. Literally just put them in a blander and bland them up a bit. Thats it.
Whelp I’m james morgen, owner of monolith tech. "Have a good day" to you, goodbye.
hi James! it's me James!