Manhattan beach middle school exists, yeah that's all the compliments I got, now for the bad stuff. Mbms happens to have 2 stars on yelp, but is that correct? Each star will need 15 points and we start at 45 points. The school food happens to be infested with skinwalkers, do the skinwalkers make it expensive No, where's the budget going (imagine these next few words in a very obnoxious tome) to it is here? No, is it here? No. ( regular tone now) -10 points. We have food here.+2 points. The last time the bathrooms were not filled to the brim with Oscar mayor’s ham was 1949 Nevada Canadian. -8 points. We have bathrooms. +3 points. In this school we learn! In a very boring manner.+8 points. Us people who have to exist here all have to wake up before 2 A.M. to come here. -4 points. Nutrition is smaller, like my brain after hearing this. -5 points. The school provides computers to do some junk on +6 points. Goguardian -3 points. The library gives time to do homework and write stuff like this +8 points. Homework -12. The block schedule was a horrible choice that was made without kids' opinions -15. This school provides the wheel -10 orchestra +14 band + 7. Now for the star value, I’ll pause so you can do the math real quick……………………
Haha you did math
Oh Wow