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Roblox is Peak Gaming Experience

Updated: Oct 16, 2023


Roblox is said to have 1.5 billion users, but in reality, those users are spam and alt accounts. Roblox is a disgusting sludge of bright colors to simulate dopamine, but in the end, you were never truly happy. It’s a breeding ground for scams and creepy old men, yet Roblox moderation does little to stop it. Though there are a couple games with hope for the site, hidden amongst the low effort games. Here are the games that people said were good.

Phantom Forces

Phantom forces is a somewhat polished Roblox game that’s a sort of combination of Counter Strike and Call of Duty type FPS games. You, along with a team of randoms, have to outdo the other team in such gamemodes as king of the hill, capture the flag and team deathmatch. There are a wide variety of guns that the player unlocks that the player can further improve with an overwhelming amount of attachments. Map selection is alright, and it’s decently fun for a bit. The only thing that makes it not great is that it has no matchmaking. You could be a first time, all new player and be on a server with thousand-hour sweaty gamers. New players are discouraged, which is why the game is dying.

Build a Boat for Treasure.

In Build a Boat for Treasure, the player is given a wide array of blocks and other items to create an elaborate boat to survive the dangers in front of the treasure. That is what the developers want you to do. Sure, some people actually build boats, but it’s much safer to build giant, shielding balls with all the materials you have. If waiting for your ball of safety to get to the treasure takes too long for you, try flying glitches that break Roblox’s already bad “physics”. Once you get enough money, you can get some cool tools that expand your limit of building. Build a Boat for Treasure is pretty fun with friends and allows you to make almost anything. The real problem is the progression because it is slow, so slow that most people quit before getting a single tool. Luckily, you can spend money to instantly get everything you need! Fun!

Pet Simulator X

This is the disgusting sludge of bright colors I was talking about in the introduction. You get flying blocks that are supposed to be pets to eat coins off the ground. That’s it. That is all there is to the game. This stupid, boring concept achieved 7.7 BILLION visits, a permanent front page position and plushies you can buy at Walmart. The meat of the game is the purchases. You see, the game eventually gets unplayable at how slow it moves, so you are forced to buy fun purchases made with real life cash. They also did an NFT thing. TLDR: Pet Simulator X is stinky.


Doors is one of the best polished games on Roblox. It has a unique horror concept that’s based on Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion, but still original. Everything was finely tuned into one of the best horror games I’ve ever played (I don’t play horror games). Progression is based on learning how you came to an end and restarting. This isn’t boring, though. Each playthrough is randomized, from room layout, monsters and tools. Doors doesn’t have some big number you’re working towards, rather, you are working to get to the end. After you finish that, Doors hits you with badges that you can earn with hard work. The developers put tons of work into this project, and it ended up being amazing.

Overall, Roblox is kinda awful, but a few games stand out from the crowd. Sure, Roblox is an awful cesspool of garbage and inappropriate imagery, but it’s free, so what the hay. It’s fun to play with friends too, but for people without friends, not great.

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