Zachary Rose in a Field
It has been proved throughout history that Uncrustables are a sign of status. This idea which has been heavily debated over time has come back up in 5th period Social Studies with Mr. Rucker.
Nutella flavor shows the highest of status, showing rich and powerful people.
Honey flavor shows you have a normal or slightly advanced status.
Honey-Peanut Butter is the middle one that shows you have a normal status.
Peanut Butter flavor is one of the lowest, but there is still one lower.
Grape flavor is the lowest. You can imagine a homeless person munching on the grape uncrustables whilst you drive down the street and shove a nutella uncrustable into your mouth.
Oh yeah and there's the cheese bites...
Peanut uncrustables are bad.
I do
i do not agree with your opinion.