Cheese Addict (kills bricks)
Today, we will show how to destroy the enemy America has always wanted to finally get rid of. Brick walls.
#10 - Handgun. While common in America, it isn’t very effective. It is made to destroy imbeciles, not brick.
#9 - Pickaxe. The pickaxe is an effective mining tool, but you could get tired after a while.
#8 - Water Blaster 15000 PSI. The NLB Ultra High Pressure Water Blaster shoots water at such a power that it could break through brick. My question is: Does the hose have recoil?
#7 - Hypnosis. If you can pull it off, you can easily destroy a brick wall by manipulating the brick wall into destroying itself. The problem is: It is risky, and you may turn the wall into a Whopper ad, which we know from a content creator on Deanster Weekly called "your mom" could be dangerous.
#6 - Peer Pressure. While becoming friends with a brick wall may seem hard, they act just like everyone else, and you shouldn't rush it. Try not to comment on its sturdiness, as it might find that offensive. After you became friends with the wall, ask it if it wants a cigarette, which will harm its lungs, killing it. (I'm running out of ideas for this article.)
#5 - Time Travel. You could time travel to before it was built and enjoy the peaceful, quiet, brick-wall-ness landscape for a long time. Some side effects could include going back in time to when your parents didn't create you yet, making you cease to exist. (Please give me ideas)
#4 - Tornado/Lightning. You'll need powers from the heavens, which can only be found at a 99 cents Store in Redondo Beach. It costs 1 dollar. (1 cent extra because it's powerful.)
#3 - Car Accident. Convince an Uber Driver to pick up a brick wall. Then, have the Uber Driver ride to an unsafe area, like an Anime Convention. If the brick wall goes there, it will die of cringe.
#2 - Buttery, Fried, Processed Meats/Cheese. These foods are very high in cholesterol, which can hurt the arteries of the brick wall and increase blood pressure, giving it a risk for organ failure.
#1 - Nuclear Warhead. This will surely damage the brick wall enough so that after 1 strike, your screen will instantly show the message "Mission Passed" in a Call of Duty font.
ten outa ten helped me destroy my brick wall effectively!