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Government Scandal?

Updated: Oct 16, 2023


The following is about a local Minecraft Server's Election for president.

A possible scandal has been displayed to the public in the blocky town of Bloxia. A video clip shows Blocked, one of the contestants in the race for mayor speaking with the police force telling them to not do their job then saying that they will be paid handsomely. Here is the transcript: Blockhed: look, you guys need to let crimes go through Officer 1: why? Blockhed: because then I can claim to be able to fix the police force. Which will get me into office Officer 2: And what's in it for us? Blockhed: I can give you guys a fat raise once I am in office Police chief: isn’t this illegal? Blockhed: not if nobody knows. Blockhed then promptly took out a hidden crossbow and proceeded to kill the chief. Blockhed: Look, once I am in office I will reward you, but if you betray me… Blockhed: …there's no place in this world for tattle tales One of the officers, Gary or in the transcript ‘officer 2’, came directly to us after the incident to give us the footage from the security cams, may he be safe. May we all stay safe. And may Blockhead never become mayor. Vote for Zack!

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