Ron Al Danmann and Ada Mug Ray
As you may already know, a recent murder has been committed on the famed police detective L.E. Monke. If you want to know more about this, read our other articles, because we are going to jump straight into it.
Remember how everyone was pointing their fingers at Sussy Imposter for the murder? Well, after extensive research and investigation on Big Floppa’s basement, investigators have found a secret gang called the NonHuman Force. Not much about them is known, but their symbol, 𒄷, has been found on both the NHFs homepage and on the wall. Some detectives have been trying to get Mike Wazowski and Big Floppa to spill the beans, but they are staying strong and refuse to say anything regarding the subject, and this makes them both suspicious. One thing Mike Wazowski did say though, is that his restraining order actually expired a couple days before the murder, and that the police forces that enforced that order are now only watching him from afar. Hearing this, Zhespin Gallop and his team rushed to the police force, which (No joke) was 𒄷. People around the world are now wondering whether or not this whole thing was planned for 𒄷 to get publicity, or if they somehow had some kind of harsh backstory with L.E. Monke. Romulus D. Oge VI has researched, and after a few days of research, found out that the founders of 𒄷 were actually connected to the cofounder of the Meme Council, Dancing Baby. Now here’s a true story about this so it makes more sense later on.
Dancing Baby was one of the first internet memes, and as the rise of the memes in 2011 started to happen, Dancing Baby realized there should be a sense of law and order in memes. So he, along with his best friend Philosoraptor, created the council of memes. Shrek, Success kid, and Disaster girl were among the first to be in the council, but someone would betray them. Three days after the council was created, dancing baby and a lot of his other meme friends were having a party at the local bar over the celebration of the creation of the council. L.E. Monke was also there, discussing with the dancing baby about his law enforcement (Which, if you want to know more about it, go to The Weekly Meme 21 pg. 18), when panic broke out. And I’m not talking about Meme Man. Basically, Philosoraptor had begun to question the council, and decided that memes were meant to be crazy and unorganized, so he scared everyone away with his big scary T-rex teeth and arms. He then proceeded to eat all the glizzys, which is not important. He then proceeded to assemble an army of rebel memes, and created what he called Gottal, which was later turned into 𒄷. He made an alliance with the human police and made a promise with them to take down any meme police, as it rivaled L.E. Monke’s quickly-growing police force NMP.
Zhespin Gallop’s team quickly rushed back to HQ, where they informed Romulus D. Oge VI about what they had learned. Because Philosoraptor is still alive, they went over to his place where, miraculously, they found the exact same conspiracy theory on the wall. Now, here was when Weretem Veyerre stepped in and gave his idea. He thought that the Mike Wazowski, Big Floppa, and Sussy imposter worked together in the murder. Big Floppa and Mike Wazowski went to L.E. Monke’s place and Mike threw a tantrum, distracting L.E. Monke while Big Floppa shot and stabbed him. Sussy imposter was the brains behind the operation, and he set up a decoy conspiracy wall while the real one was in Philosoraptor’s basement. Sussy imposter then stored the gun in his office, and set up a red herring which was the 500 page essay regarding the murder. This is because Sussy Imposter didnt mind going to jail, and would rather keep his fellows safe. They are thinking the reason for this murder was for many reasons. A)L.E. Monke stole Mike’s glizzys B)big Floppa is related to the number one hater of L.E. Monke. C)Sussy imposter wanted to go to jail. Romulus and Zhespin were amazed by this theory, and declared that it had to be true, but others protested at this, declaring that it was complete gibberish. Me personally, I like Amogus so I think it was Mike. I mean, no one else has a restraining order and has a past for committing various crimes! Then again, Sussy Imposter also had a past for hacking vote ballots and killing crewmates.
We may never know how L.E. Monke died, but may he rest in peace and surrounded by love for all he has done. Currently, all three of them are in prison, and Amogus Inc.’s reputation is falling downhill like a crewmate. As Ohio is where Mike and Big Floppa live, it is getting a lot of hate and people are saying the memes about Ohio are true. Romulus D. Oge IV and Zhespin Gallop and Sanic the Hedgehog are currently working tirelessly to solve this case, but as Sanic said in an interview for the NMC yesterday, “we are nowhere, nowhere close to solving this case yet”. The prediction is that the murder will remain a mystery for many years to come. Weretem Veyerre says when they find out who did it, the punishment will either be a life sentence or an extremely harsh punishment such as community service for life.
although i did enjoy the read, i could not help but wonder where the inclusion of cheese was. i read it over and over again but just could not find it but perhaps that's because of my poor eyes. someone please tell me where the cheese it if they find it. #wheredecheeseat #giveemdecheese #cheese #moarcheese
No wait this isn’t fiction