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The Ruckerverse Saga ep 1 - The Kobran Conundrum

Updated: Nov 2, 2023

Zachary Rose in a Field

It is commonly known that Mr Rucker has been here for a long time. All of US History, as we know it, revolves around him. Everything connected to it, America, Spain, Europe, Britain, and much more, is all from him. He has been every man and woman to ever exist in the history of America. But, where did he come from? Mr Kobran…

Mr. Kobran was there, at the beginning of our universe… even before the Big Bang… it was just him. He was the most powerful being ever known to mankind, and when he wanted, the Big Bang occurred. This created the universe, and it continues to grow today because of his influence. To rule over his favorite planet, Earth, he created many types of beings. To rule Egypt and the surrounding areas, Cleopatra, to rule the skies? Zeus the god. To rule the oceans, the species we call blobfish.

But, who would rule the main part of our planet? He created a man named Jed Rucker. He loved Mr. Rucker, and gave him the power to be reincarnated after he died from the first baby that was born after. Though he would not know death, he bowed down to Kobran. But, it would seem that Kobran’s rule would grow into tyranny.

Many of the rulers attempted to fight back, Clepatra, Ghengis Khan, and many more. Though, he was too powerful. Now there are only a few left alive, the blobfish, Charlie Montoya, and Mr Rucker. Charlie and Jed became best friends, as no one really cared for the pufferfish. :(

This would lead the pufferfish to join Kobran in his plans for the world and surrounding ones. None of the rulers truly knew what he was planning until the start of 2022…

As you know, we live in the Milky Way. But no one really knows how we truly got the name of the place. Some people thought it was random, some people thought it looked like milk (somehow). But, Kobran’s plan for the universe was simple, and it would come to fruition soon enough if no one was willing to stop it.

One mundane morning at Manhattan Beach Monster School, Mr Rucker began to teach his classes. (He took up a teaching job because he wanted to warn people of what was really going on in our world.) Then, he suddenly collapsed onto the floor, his eyes darkening and turning into a black void…

He was rushed to the hospital where doctors discovered what he really was… Mr. Rucker had no organs, bones, or even flesh. He was just made of cosmic stardust. But where had he come from? He was brought into a government facility where he was studied and investigated. They found nothing from this, until he told them. It was all Kobran.

Charlie then entered and went looking for Mr. Rucker, saying he was late for 6th period, and the guards realized he had just entered a government facility, opened fire. He then deflected all of the bullets and shot them back at the guards. He grabbed Mr Rucker and dragged him out of the base.

After teaching 6th period, he stopped Charlie before he could go to seventh period. He told him he’d had a vision. He had seen that Mr Kobran planned to drink up the Milky Way with a side of Cocoa Puffs.

They both loved their planet, and then knew they needed to stop him. They gathered their things and left the school. They flew off to the moon and confronted Mr Kobran. He laughed when seeing them, and knew they knew his plans. He reached out his hands and fired a blue laser at them, but Charlie knocked them both out of the way and onto the ground. Mr Kobran sliced his hand down, the laser going with it, and shooting the two through the moon diagonally, splitting it in two. He laughed again and shot down, grabbing Mr Rucker and pushing him towards Earth.

Surprisingly, they both land straight onto the field at MBMS. Kids charged out and gasped at the power of Kobran. Some teachers came out and asked what he was doing, but he shouted at them, and blasted them back into the back wall. The kids ran away, and the fight continued…

Mr. Kobran began to punch Mr Rucker repeatedly across the face, but Rucker grabbed one of the punches. He kneed him in the chest and, once he was in the air, he kicked him back again. He went flying back through many different houses and his blue light disappeared.

As it seemed like Mr Rucker had won, Kobran blasted back at him and they both soared into the sky, fighting. They soon entered the atmosphere, where Mr Rucker flew above and head-butted Kobran, which barely fazed him. Korban grabbed Rucker by the collar and threw him around, where he then zoomed around in circles, occasionally punching, kicking, or elbowing Mr Rucker. He then grabbed him the tie and pulled him towards his face, his right hand cranked back and glowing blue, ready to take the final shot.

Charlie landed his foot right on the top of Kobran’s head, knocking him back down to Earth. He grabbed Mr Rucker, who was nearly unconscious, and began to soar back to the moon as a means of escape. He loved the Earth and all his friends on it, but going up against and defying Kobran was too much to handle for one small planet, amongst quintillions.

As they left the atmosphere and entered the cold depths of space, Charlie was grabbed by the back of his collar as Kobran soared by. He let go, sending Charlie hurtling out of the Milky Way. As Kobran looked on in astonishment, Rucker attacked him in a blind rage for hurting his best friend. He slammed his fist into his face, slamming it down on his knee. But, this did little to nothing.

Kobran broke free and grabbed Rucker by the ankle as he jolted forward for another attack, spun him around, and sent him flying back towards the Earth. He slammed, face first, into the field of Mbms. Kobran slowly landed next to him and knelt down next to him. He laughed for another time as Mr Rucker tried to crawl away. He grabbed him by the head and tossed him behind him, causing him to rest in Charlie’s garage.

The ringing in his ears could have stopped him, but Rucker looked back and saw that Charlie had Crash Course videos on loop. He was proud for a second, but then got an idea…

Kobran slowly approached the house, expecting to see Rucker lying on the floor, but saw nothing until he launched out of the hole in the roof and uppercutted him. He was sent flying, but quickly recovered and soared back. Rucker used the energy of his speed to power himself, launching into the sky at incredible speeds. Kobran laughed, knowing this was way slower than what he could do, and chased after him.

To defeat Kobran, he just needed one thing. He had many past versions of himself all throughout history, from Alexander Hamilton to Mr Bean, he was there for every generation of Us history, He just needed more of himself, every one. All of them with the power of gods, Kobran wouldn’t stand a chance…

So as he flew towards a dying star, chased closely behind by Kobran, he formed a plan. Just as he was close to the star, it exploded, sending Kobran far, far back, and causing Rucker to go back.

Go back where, you ask?

Toon in soon to find out on Deanster Weekly…

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Ron Al Danmann?
Ron Al Danmann?

Idk fr



Re-reading this. Just as good as I remember


julian saez
julian saez





Alexander Mehu
Alexander Mehu



Guys, the second Episode is out now!

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