Pepper Phony
10. Fǝncing:
Dǝspitǝ bǝing callǝd “Fǝncǝs,” fǝncǝs arǝ awful at fǝncing. If you challǝngǝ thǝ fǝncǝ to a bǝt ovǝr it moving off your dǝsirǝd path, you may bǝ ablǝ to out fǝncǝ thǝ fǝncǝ, but this only works if thǝ fǝncǝ accǝpts thǝ duǝl. This answǝr was approvǝd by ChatGPT.
9. Lurǝ:
Firstly, talk to thǝ fǝncǝ to find out what will lurǝ it away, lǝtting you kǝǝp your path. For ǝxamplǝ, a chǝǝsǝburgǝr. Rǝmǝmbǝr, fǝncǝs arǝ gulliblǝ, so don’t worry about thǝm rǝalizing it’s a trap.
8. Dǝclarǝ War:
This onǝ is fairly straightforward. Just blow thǝ wholǝ fǝncǝ up. Howǝvǝr, it may bǝ hard to find accǝss to ǝxplosivǝ wǝapons, as you havǝ to bǝ a govǝrnmǝnt official.
7. Pokémon Battlǝ:
Challǝngǝ thǝ fǝncǝ to a Pokémon Battlǝ. Firstly, sǝnd out your Pikachu. Ask Pikachu to usǝ tacklǝ. As wǝ all know, tacklǝ is supǝr ǝffǝctivǝ against fǝncǝs, so this should work wǝll. Howǝvǝr, you will havǝ to lǝvǝl up your Pikachu to bǝ at lǝast lǝvǝl. 3.14159 to dǝfǝat a fǝncǝ.
6. Acrobatics:
Gǝt a bunch of squirrǝls to tǝam up to usǝ thǝrǝ acrobatics skills to pǝnǝtratǝ thǝ fǝncǝ. This answǝr was approvǝd by ChatGPT.
5. Climb up thǝ fǝncǝ:
Show thǝ fǝncǝ who’s boss. That’s right, it's you. Climbing anything that tall is muy asombroso. So cool that I didn’t want to usǝ thǝ charactǝr “ǝ” until this sǝntǝncǝ.
4. Lullaby:
Rǝmǝmbǝr, fǝncǝs work 24 hours a day. Thǝy arǝ constantly tirǝd, so a singlǝ lullaby can ǝasily takǝ advantagǝ of that. Oncǝ thǝ fǝncǝ is aslǝǝp, it will topplǝ ovǝr, lǝtting you walk right ovǝr it.
3. Lǝgally sign a wavǝr to rǝmovǝ fǝncǝs:
Ǝxplain that whǝn you wǝrǝ a small, pathǝtic, child, you usǝd to gǝt bulliǝd by brick walls and fǝncǝs all thǝ timǝ, and whǝn you triǝd to run, thǝy blockǝd you from ǝscaping, and continuǝd bullying you. This is actually thǝ story of my ǝarly childhood, and it is why I madǝ this list. TO GƎT RƎVƎNGƎ.
2. Magnǝtism:
Gǝt you a big ol’ magnǝt and put that fǝncǝ in it’s placǝ.
1. Firǝ.
Thǝy must burn. Thǝy all must burn. I triǝd this, and it has bǝǝn my main propǝrty dǝstruction mǝthod yǝt. Thǝ only downsidǝ is it might burn othǝr, insignificant things as wǝll.
I made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, and I don’t expect to be forgiven. I’m simply here to apologize. What we came across in the woods that day was obviously unplanned. The reactions you saw on tape were raw, they were unfiltered. None of us knew how to react, or how to feel. I should have never posted the video. I should have put the cameras down and stopped recording what we were going through. There's a lot of things I should have done differently but I didn't. And for that, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry. I want to apologize to the internet. I want to apologize to anyone who has seen the…
I made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, and I don’t expect to be forgiven. I’m simply here to apologize
What we came across in the woods that day was obviously unplanned. The reactions you saw on tape were raw, they were unfiltered. None of us knew how to react, or how to feel. I should have never posted the video. I should have put the cameras down and stopped recording what we were going through
There's a lot of things I should have done differently but I didn't. And for that, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry. I want to apologize to the internet. I want to apologize to anyone who has seen the…
unreadable. this handwriting is horrible bad probably because this man has not eaten enough cheese. give this man some cheese #giveemdecheese #moarcheese #cheeserevolootion
#1 method (fire) doesn't work if the fence is made of most metals ☝️🤓